Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ten Books....

(Idea Taken from this Post:

Ten Books I Absolutely Had to Have But Still Haven’t Read

(Seriously, I have so many for this list, but here's just a few....) 

1.  "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich:  A History of Nazi Germany"  by William L. Shirer.

(Yeah, so I've had this book sitting on my shelf since, like, March of last year.  It's really long, but it looks pretty good.  :) And if you know me, then you also know that I'm obsessed with WWII & the Third Reich.  So it should come as no surprise that I would have this book.)

2. "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler (Translation by Ralph Manheim).

(What?  Don't look at me like that.  I'm just a very curious person is all.... 
But anyway, I've also had this since about March of last year.  I started to read it, but then my Dad wanted to borrow it and, since I'm such a terribly slow reader, I lent it to him.  He has yet to return it.  He is a busy man afterall.)  

3. "The Lucifer Effect:  Understanding How Good People Turn Evil" by Philip G. Zimbardo.

(It was the 4th of July [this year]. I was waiting for the Fireworks to start & we were right by Barnes & Noble, so I thought, 'Eh, hey, why not?  Might as well waste some time.  I got cash burning in my pocket, anyways.'  So, I went in, looked around, & grabbed a few books.  Then I kinda felt in the mood for something Psychology and/or Sociology Related, so I went over to that section....and then I saw the word Lucifer.  

And that's how I was hooked.  :) No, I am not a Weirdo....Maybe. )

4. "The Infernal Devices Book #2:  Clockwork Prince" by Cassandra Clare.

(So, I originally checked this out of my school library like 3 times in a row, but I was busy and didn't have enough time to read that much of it and the librarian was starting to get mad at me,so I waited until May & then I bought it.  And then I started to Read it & I got around to about Pg. 252 & then for some reason I stopped....and then life & other books started distracting me, so I never finished the book.  :P

My plan is to reread "Clockwork Angel"  & then just restart "Clockwork Prince" from  the beginning.)

5.  "Gulag: A History" by Anne Applebaum.

(I got this book in about March of last year.  I realized that I didn't know much about the Gulag, so I wanted to read up on it.  I started the book, but then allowed my Father to borrow it, so I never really got that far into it & I am yet to resume it.)

6.  "The Boy From Baby House 10: From the Nightmare of a Russian Orphanage to a New Life in America"  by Alan Philps & John Lahutsky.

(I saw this boy's story on Dateline & was instantly hooked.  I received this book as a gift from my Grandmother for my Birthday.  I've read part of it, but again life & other books served as distractions and I have yet to resume reading.
It was a pretty good book so far, though.  :) )

7.  "Auschwitz: A New History" by Laurence Rees.

(Can't remember when exactly I got this, but I believe it was sometime last year.  Started reading it, but as always, I get Distracted. :P

....What else can I say?  Give me anything WWII related & I'm bound to be interested in it.)

8.  "Stalin:  The Court of the Red Tsar" by Simon Sebag Montefiore.

(....I just wanted to learn more about this man.)  

9.  "My Name is Memory" by Ann Brashares.

(Bought this at Costco a few years back.  :)  The idea just really intrigued me. Especially since it reminded me of a short story I had read shortly before running into the book.)

10.  "Guild Hunter Book #2:  Archangel's Kiss"  by Nalini Singh.

(I've actually never even read the first book yet, but I found this one in a shop onboard the Golden Princess Cruise ship 2 years ago & it caught my attention.  'Cuz, you know, anything with Angels tends to capture my attention. ;)  Started reading it, but like usual....Distractions.  :P) 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reading Habits Questionnaire....

(Questions taken from: )

1.  Do you snack while you read?  If so, favorite reading snack?
Not usually, but if I do....Crackers.  All different kinds.
2. What is your favorite drink while reading?
Hot Chocolate.  <3
3. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
*Cringes*  I can write on anything.  Napkins, scrap paper, my hand....But Books?  No way, Jose!  I'm not getting pen nor pencil anywhere near a book!  
4.  How do you keep your place while reading a book?  Bookmark?  Dog-ear?  Laying the book flat open?
Depends.  If I'm just stepping away for a second,  sometimes I'll just leave it facing down while open.  However, Usually, no matter how long I'm away, I'll either rely on Bookmarks, Scraps of Paper, or Memory.
5.  Fiction, Non-Fiction, Both?
BOTH!  I Love Both with a Burning Passion but I think that I like Non-Fiction slightly more.
6.  Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?
I can stop anywhere at anytime, but if I'm not feeling as distracted as usual, I like to make it a goal to reach the end of the chapter before stopping.
7.  Are you a person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you?
*Gasps*  Oh, the Horror!  Who would ever do such a thing?!  BOOK ABUSE!  *Sobs*
8.  If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?
It depends....  Do I have a dictionary or a computer laying around by me?  ....If not I'll just try to figure it out by the clues given in the text surrounding the word in question.
And if I still can't figure it out....I move on & forget about it!
9. What are you currently reading?
Uh, well, technically I'm reading about 13 books & several fanfiction, but since I've put practically everything on Hiatus, I'll say:
* "The Paradise Prophecy" by Robert Browne. 
* "Angels:  Opposing Viewpoints" by Deanne Durrett.
10. What is the last book you bought?
* "The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land" by Thomas Asbridge.
*"Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology: The Age of Fable" by Thomas Bulfinch.
11.  Are you a Person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one?  Are you kidding me?! Reading More than One is the Only Mode I can function on!  So many books, so little time!  ....I also have to have variety, you know?
12.  Do you have a favorite time/place to read?
At Night.  Either my Bedroom or my Computer Room.

or during the day by a shady tree, or at the beach in a nice shady spot, or in the library.
13.  Do you prefer series books or stand-alones?  
I'm Indifferent.  It honestly doesn't matter to me as long as the story is good.  I do, however, feel pressured into reading more of the books in a series, and so, if the books aren't at the library & I don't have the necessary cash to buy them, I'll tend to avoid them until I can.  
14.  Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over?
"Between Shades of Gray" by Ruta Sepetys.  (NOT to be confused with "50 Shades of Grey".)
15.  How do you organize your books?  By Genre, Title, Author's Last Name, etc. 
Well, I used to organize them based on Genre....Now that I've moved, have less space, & have less of my books with me,  they're kind of just thrown all together.  :P

Rating System....

First off, I'd like to welcome everyone to my Blog!  Thank you for stopping by & I hope you enjoy your stay,  :)

This is a Note about my Ratings:

I rate from a Scale of 1- 5 Stars.

Star= I didn't like it at all.

StarStar = Indifferent.

StarStarStar = Meh.  It was okay.  I kinda liked it.

StarStarStarStar = I Liked it or Really Liked it!

StarStarStarStarStar= I Loved It!

* = Anything with an Asterisk next to the Stars means that I'm a Fangirl of it.

Don't expect to see a lot of one or two stars around here.  A lot of the ratings will be 4s &  5s.

Also, don't just take my word on the books I post up here.  I have  just one voice speaking one out of many different opinions.  I tend to rate more than fairly, too.  I tend to go quite easy on my judgement of books because I know that it takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to create one, and that, though this book may not exactly be my cup of tea my mug of hot chocolate, it may be for someone else.

Just keep that in mind.  :)

(Credit for Star Goes To: .)